2 rooms and 2 Queen size beds (maximum 4 guests)
Fully equipped kitchen
Fridge and freezer
Electric stove and oven
All weather deck and verandah with outdoor dining
2 Living areas
2 TVs
Books and games
Complimentary Wifi (NBN)
Bathroom with small (child's) bath inside moulded shower
Separate toilet
Weber Q3100 Gas BBQ
Reverse cycle air conditioner in living room and main bedroom
Gas fireplace
Ceiling fans
Rain water only (no mains water to house)
No hose available for cleaning boats due to reliance on rain water
Fully equipped kitchen
Fridge and freezer
Electric stove and oven
All weather deck and verandah with outdoor dining
2 Living areas
2 TVs
Books and games
Complimentary Wifi (NBN)
Bathroom with small (child's) bath inside moulded shower
Separate toilet
Weber Q3100 Gas BBQ
Reverse cycle air conditioner in living room and main bedroom
Gas fireplace
Ceiling fans
Rain water only (no mains water to house)
No hose available for cleaning boats due to reliance on rain water